Stacey's Blog

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hometown Hero

Every Friday, WBT selects a "hometown hero." This person is an unsung hero recognized for their efforts in making our community a better place to live. Recently, I nominated Dani Angell. Here's why (this is what we read on the show): When a soldier is called to serve, his family sacrifices with him. For a National Guard family, not living on a base, without built-in support, the experience can be even more isolating. The Angell's are one such family. Michael Angell has served two tours already, in Iraq and Afghanistan and just left for a third. Mike Angell and his wife Dani, have two small children, a rising first grader and a preschooler. Even so, she finds time to volunteer at Davidson Elementary School and the Children's Community Schoolhouse. To show the kids the importance of setting and meeting a goal, Dani took part in Davidson Elementary's Tigers on the Prowl exercise program - running the equivalent of a marathon with the kids. You may have heard about Dani and her son, Zac. They founded High Five for Heroes a few years ago and people from all over the world sent cut-out pictures of hands - the high five - to Zac. The family got so many, they started a campaign to send the high five cutouts to soldiers serving overseas. Dani continues to organize the kids at Davidson Elementary to send cards, letters, candy at Halloween and even a journal, to let our troops know they are remembered. For spreading the message of patriotism, for volunteering her valuable time and for making a concrete and immediate difference in the lives of children, Dani is this week's Hometown Hero. (click here to nominate your own hometown hero)


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