Stacey's Blog

Monday, July 2, 2007

It Bounces!

To say the pump transition has not gone as planned would be an understatement. I can honestly say I never thought Benny would grab his brand new pump and throw it across the room. I cringed when it landed on our kitchen floor, but it seems to be okay. First, there was a mix up with the company that orders the pump and the one who makes and delivers it. That resulted in a extra two days before we got it. I think it's an insurance issue, but I can't believe the middle-men involved in this thing. Then, they sent the right pump but the wrong infusion set. We have a few samples, so we decided to go ahead as planned and change out the set this week. Good decision? I'll let you know how it works out! So Sunday afternoon, we set up the pump. Your doctor gives you a whole bunch of numbers to program in - insulin to carb ratios, blood glucose target numbers, etc. We did that, set up the tubing and filled the pump cartridge with saline. We'll use saline instead of insulin until next Monday when we go "live" and start using it all for real. We got the inset onto Benny (we're calling it his "button") and unlike last time, he was not happy about it. After the initial outburst (okay, it was a total tantrum - and that's when he chucked the pump across the room) he calmed down until bedtime. When I changed him, he noticed the "button" on his tush and told me to "off it." Again, once we held firm, he seemed to forget about it. As of this morning, we haven't actually hooked the tubing to the inset so he's not actually pumping, not even the saline. Why go through all this? I truly believe using an insulin pump will make a dramatic difference in Benny's long term health. All the research points to better control with a pump, which means less chance of the devastating complications that can come with diabetes. Is it worth a few tantrums which he (hopefully!) won't remember in a few days? You bet. Does it rip my heart out? Every time.


  • Hey Stacey, I am sure that you were using emla (sp?) cream for Benny! (right?) Our daughter doesn't even notice the button insertion after the cream has had time to set. However one time with Linette, (yes, she is AWESOME!) we did not wait long enough for the cream and our daughter really let us know about it!
    Good luck with the pump! It is life changing - for him, and you.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7/10/2007 10:40:00 PM  

  • Alan,
    We haven't used Emla cream yet, but we may start. How do you handle waiting that 1/2 hour while it sets? Do you cover it with a bandage and if so, does the bandage hurt when it comes off? The insertion does seem to really hurt Benny - but he's fine in few seconds. I'd love to make the insertion a better experience for him (and me!). Can you tell me more? Please feel free to email me directly at Thanks...

    By Blogger Stacey, At 7/19/2007 06:40:00 AM  

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