Stacey's Blog

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

America At Home (at my house)

If you had to create a snapshot of your family at home, what would it look like? What would you want it to look like? It's a question I have to answer this week. Remember those "A Day in the Life" books back in the 80's? Photographers fanned out around the country and took pictures all during the same 24 hour period. They're doing something similar this week called America At Home and they're coming to my house. I met the photographer a few months ago when she did a story on our congregation for the Charlotte Observer. She took some terrific photos of our service celebrating a new Torah we'd acquired. So when she called to ask if she could include us in this project, I was excited to say yes. Now, however, I'm wondering whether this is really a good idea. My idea of a perfect family picture has nothing to do with the reality of my family. I'm thinking of a beautiful Shabbat dinner, with challah and candles, my children dressed in their best and smiling as they share in a special family moment. What usually happens on Shabbat is that Benny starts grabbing food before we can say the HaMotzi prayer and then he tries to blow out the candles. That's while Lea is telling me she doesn't want to eat what we've made for dinner, she'd really prefer pasta and can she have dessert first? And unless they've spilled enough to constitute an actual change of clothes, they're still in their mucky school clothes with some leftover lunch on them. Friday also begins the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur so we'll all be going to temple right after dinner. That's probably a good thing - we won't have very long to take the pictures so I can only stress out for so long. A couple of years ago, I was profiled in Little Ones Magazine here in Charlotte. Taking the pictures was so stressful for me that Slade and I decided to set a policy on family pics in the future! Rule#1 no outside shots when the temperature is above 90. Rule #2 no sleeveless shirts Rule #3 Stacey will remember that we are not perfect. I'm not sure what the odds are of actually getting into the book. I'm probably getting all worked up for nothing!


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