Stacey's Blog

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Mayor and Me

Yes, that's Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory showing me some respect. We're both laughing so hard I'm surprised the picture even came out! Here's what happened:
This week Al & I played in the Charlotte Rotary Club's annual golf tournament - it's a great time, tons of people and they raise lots of money for scholarships. Instead of putting us in a foursome, they sat us out on one of the par 3 for a "beat the pro" contest. One of us would hit and if the other players got closer to the hole than we did, they'd win a prize.
The weather was great and we had a terrific time. We made a lot of people very happy, because for every good shot we hit, we shanked a lousy one nowhere near the green! They gave out a lot of prizes. You can see some more pictures at WBT's photo gallery.
But timing is everything - my best shot of the day (thisclose!) came when the Mayor's foursome came through. They couldn't beat me and you see the Mayor's reaction. It was very funny, but I was completely mortified. You see, the Mayor takes a lot of heat from WBT - our talk show hosts beat him up pretty consistently. Turns out, he can't even get a break on the golf course!
Anyway, Mayor, thanks for being such a great sport and giving me a moment of glory. I'd love to play a round with you sometime - I promise not to outdrive you. Much.


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