Stacey's Blog

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Reminders this week that my kids are getting older. Benny's blood sugar readings have been crazy the last couple of weeks. We think we've got it under control and then he gets a crazy high reading. I've been talking to his doctor and I think this is just the beginning. You see, like most toddlers, he's growing. Since his diagnosis in December, he's gained weight and gotten taller. It's great news, especially because he'd lost two pounds in the weeks before we realized he had diabetes. Two pounds are a big deal when you only weigh 30! His growth means we need to make some adjustments. Benny gets two different types of insulin during the day. One is a 24-hour type called Lantis, the other, Novolog, is short acting. Both doses are based, in part, on his size. So we've upped the Lantis by a 1/2 unit for now. It's such a teeny amount, it seems like just a few drops, and I'm still amazed at how such a little bit of medicine has such an incredible effect. Just to give you an idea of how far diabetes research has come, my understanding is that Lantis wasn't even approved for children as young as Benny until 2 or 3 years ago. Taking a 24-hour insulin means fewer shots (even though he still gets 4-6 a day) and hopefully, better control. My daughter is going through a few changes of her own. After what seems like months of waiting, Lea has her first loose tooth. She has been dying for this to happen all school year. I have been absolutely dreading it. There is something about little kids losing their teeth that I find incredibly gross. It's all the wiggling I think. But Lea is the youngest kid in her class and she's been hearing about the tooth fairy for months. What is the going rate for the tooth fairy, anyway? I'm thinking a dollar, but let me know if I'm off base. And what do you do with the teeth? Bleah.


  • $1 sounds about right and you throw the tooth away.

    You don't go over-board with Tooth Fairy money because the Tooth Fairy needs to think about braces in a few years.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 5/11/2007 09:12:00 AM  

  • Hi Stace,

    I agree that a buck sounds about right for the average tooth. At least that's what we gave our kids. Come to think of it, that was 18 yrs ago. jat suggests throwing it away but we saved ours in a glas mason jar and gave it to the kids on their 16th b-day. Both our boys thought it was hilarious but our daughter was unimpressed.

    By Blogger King, At 5/12/2007 10:53:00 PM  

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